Acceptance of applications from citizens and legal entities from 8.00
A. Lukashenko: it is effective Union State formation that will lay foundation for improving well-being of two nations
13 June 2007
International Catholic festival Magnificat 2007 to present films from 14 countries
Alexander Lukashenko: Belarus, Russia will advance in building Union State
Сегодня отмечается Всемирный день действий за устранение детского труда
12 June 2007
В Беларуси впервые пройдет конкурс на лучшую научную студенческую работу в области качества
11 June 2007
В Минске 19 июня пройдет IT-конференция \"Байнет 2.0\"
Some 37 Belarusian companies awarded diplomas of contest-tasting “GUST”
8 June 2007
Aqua park to be built in resort town of Naroch
Prize-winner of President’s Special Fund becomes laureate of Pushkin Contest of Professors
Sergei Sidorskiy visits wood processing company in Postavy
Days of Belarusian capital to be held in South District of Moscow
1 June 2007
Belarus to take part in international opera singers contest in Estonia for first time
Alexander Lukashenko: state must be reliable support for gifted person
Formation of legal base for EurAsEC Customs Union to be in spotlight on June 7 in Moscow
Wealth of people is measured by its creative potential, ability to develop science and production
President: Belarus ready to take adequate measures in response to American missile shield in Europe
30 May 2007
Presidium of Council of Ministers approves Programme of General Secondary Education Development for 2007-2016
Belarus is economically interested in the West, Alexander Lukashenko says
Draft decree on targeted social aid to be submitted for consideration of President within three months
Embassy of Lithuania to Belarus streamlines work with Belarusian travel agencies