Acceptance of applications from citizens and legal entities from 8.00
Belarus to partake in SCO Games
4 September 2008
Regulations governing construction in Belarus to be brought in line with European standards
Collective security measures tops agenda of CSTO session in Yerevan
3 September 2008
Belneftekhim considering cooperation with Lithuania's Butinge port
Candidates for deputies start TV, radio appearances today
First lesson at Belarus schools to be dedicated to 65th anniversary of Belarus’ liberation from Nazis
1 September 2008
Belarus’ education system brings up decent citizens, Alexander Lukashenko says
Vitebsk oblast to host culinary and ethnographic festival August 30
27 August 2008
In H1 2008 Belarus-Ukraine trade 2 times up
26 August 2008
Viktoria Azarenko vs. Iveta Benesova in 2nd round of 2008 US Women’s Open
Heads of OSCE, CIS observation missions to meet September 28
25 August 2008
Grain yield in Vitebsk oblast approaching one million tonnes
22 August 2008
Gross grain harvest in Belarus reaches 8.25 million tonnes
Vitebsk oblast to invest Br1 trillion in construction branch in 2008-2010
16 August 2008
Belarus’ foreign trade 57.1% up to $39.9bn in January-June
15 August 2008
In H1 Belarus trades with 171 countries
Gross harvest yield in Belarus amounts to 6.7 million tonnes
Wider range of cardiac surgeries performed in Belarusian regions
13 August 2008
Gross harvest yield in Belarus exceeds 5.2mn tonnes
11 August 2008
Minsk and Polotsk to host concerts of German organ music this autumn
8 August 2008