Acceptance of applications from citizens and legal entities from 8.00
Estonian art group to take part in international festival in Dubrovno
21 June 2007
International Catholic film festival Magnificat 2007 to present films from 14 countries
Seminar devoted to cooperation of security agencies of Belarus and Russia to be held in Minsk
20 June 2007
Foreign Ministry of Belarus gathers information about Belarusian nationals in Gaza Strip
Fifteen summer camps set up in former interior troops units
Delegation of FEZ Vitebsk to present investments projects in Slovakia
Vitebsk oblast to host musical festival with Belarusian diasporas from Baltic states, Ukraine, Poland
Speakers of parliaments of Belarus and South Africa sign protocol on cooperation
19 June 2007
In January-May Belarus’ GDP increases by 9% to reach Br33.5 trillion
Belarus to participate in Annual Security Review Conference in Vienna
Three regions of Vitebsk oblast sign cooperation agreements with three municipal councils of Moscow NAD
18 June 2007
Pavel Borodin: Belarus, Russia presidents may meet soon
Belarus MFA sees no grounds for Adrian Severin to stay UN Special Rapporteur
15 June 2007
Belarus President wants agricultural companies fully fuelled during harvesting campaign
14 June 2007
A. Lukashenko: it is effective Union State formation that will lay foundation for improving well-being of two nations
13 June 2007
International Catholic festival Magnificat 2007 to present films from 14 countries
Alexander Lukashenko: Belarus, Russia will advance in building Union State
Сегодня отмечается Всемирный день действий за устранение детского труда
12 June 2007
В Беларуси впервые пройдет конкурс на лучшую научную студенческую работу в области качества
11 June 2007
В Минске 19 июня пройдет IT-конференция \"Байнет 2.0\"