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Regional News

30 December 2021

Opinion: Belarus emerges victorious again

Belarus is entering the New Year as a country that successfully dealt with another set of challenges, Secretary General of the Belarus Red Cross Dmitry Shevtsov told the ONT TV channel, BelTA informs. 

“Our country emerged victorious again, because at the beginning of this year we pulled ourselves together and did everything to make Belarusians appreciate the peace and calm in our country,” said Dmitry Shevtsov. 

He noted that Belarus successfully dealt with the fourth wave of COVID-19 and got out of the migrant crisis with dignity. “These challenges showed that our society is ready to consolidate. All Belarusians without exception, individuals, public associations, and the government, responded to the call to help refugees. We know like no one else how hard it is when you lose your home, your independence overnight and become nobody,” he said.

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