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Regional News

19 July 2007

More than 150 thousand people visit events of Slavonic Bazaar in Vitebsk

More than 150 thousand people visited events of the 16th International festival of Arts “Slavonic Bazaar in Vitebsk”, BelTA learnt in the directorate of the festival.

The renovated Summer Amphitheater gathered the greatest number of viewers – almost 105 thousand people. Within a festival’s week, 20 concerts have been given on its stage. On the whole, 85 concerts, exhibitions and theater performances have been held within the framework of the festival in Vitebsk.

Attending the festival were 4800 people from 32 countries worldwide. Residents of 86 countries visited festival’s web-site. Around 600 journalists covered the events of the Slavonic Bazaar in Vitebsk. The most numerous journalist teams were represented by Belarus and Russia.
