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Regional News

24 May 2007

Ministry of Agriculture and Foodstuffs widely introduces information technologies

The introduction of information technologies to the system of the Ministry of Agriculture and Foodstuffs is being carried out according to the plan, First Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Foodstuffs Nadezhda Kotkovets told reporters today. She is taking part in the seminar “Development and Introduction of Automated Information System to Agrarian Sector”.

“I am satisfied with the rates of introduction of information technologies to the system of the Ministry of Agriculture and Foodstuffs. Everybody work purposefully. Vitebsk oblast is not behindhand of the process”, - the deputy minister noted.

Nadezhda Kotkovets also noted that the Ministry of Agriculture and Foodstuffs has started to implement this project since last year. “The introduction of information technologies to the agrarian sector is the basis to take appropriate administrative decisions”, she said.

Attending the seminar are representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Foodstuffs, the Committee for Agriculture and Foodstuffs of all oblasts, agrarians, scientists. During the seminar, its participants will discuss the process of introduction of information technologies to the agrarian sector. The participants of the forum plan to visit OAO Rudakovo, where they will get familiar with the introduction of the remote automated primary accounting to the production of vegetables and dairy products.     
