
Address: 2 Karl Marx Street, Senno 211117, Vitebsk oblast


Phone: 02135 5-53-47

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Regional News

8 August 2007

Emergencies Ministries of Belarus, Russia to continue monitoring Unecha-Ventspils oil-products pipeline

The Emergencies Ministry of Belarus does not insist on shutting down Unecha-Ventspils oil-products pipeline, Belarusian Emergencies Minister Enver Bariev told media today.

“If Russian company Transnefteprodukt, which owns the oil-products pipeline, fulfils its obligation to repair and ensure the recommended pressure in the pipe, the Belarusian Emergencies Ministry will not talk about shutting it down,” said the Minister.

According to Enver Bariev, a plan of measures is being carried out to fix detected defects. The plan was developed and approved by the Belarusian government. Pressure in the pipe was reduced to exclude this factor from the causes that may damage the pipe. The Belarusian Emergencies Ministry is supervising the work.

Russian First Deputy Minister for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Alleviation of Consequences of Natural Calamities Ruslan Tsalikov added, the Russian Emergencies Ministry will also continue monitoring the status of the oil-products pipeline in the Russian territory and will keep the Belarusian side informed about the results.

BelTA reported earlier, this year a section of Unecha-Ventspils oil-products pipeline in the Beshenkovichi region of the Vitebsk oblast saw two man-caused emergencies. One of them was transboundary.







