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Regional News

10 November 2022

CSTO discusses joint training of military personnel

On 9 November the CSTO Crisis Response Center hosted a videoconference of the working group on coordinating joint training of military personnel and scientific work under the CSTO Council of Defense Ministers, Press Secretary of the CSTO Joint Staff Vladislav Shchegrikovich told BelTA. 

“Members of the working group agreed that the efforts to improve the CSTO system of military training should focus on building up professional competencies, skills and abilities of military personnel based on the needs of the forces and means of the CSTO collective security system and taking into account modern and possible challenges and threats,” the spokesman said. 

The participants of the videoconference listened to reports on the work of the Budyonny Military Academy of Communications that is a basic organization to train specialists for signal troops for the CSTO member states, as well as the work of the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation that is a basic organization to train personnel for the CSTO peacekeeping forces. It was decided to support the initiative to give the research center of the Shtemenko Krasnodar Higher Military School the status of a basic research organization of the CSTO member states in the field of information security. 

“Members of the working group discussed approaches to the development of joint statutory documents regulating the use of forces and means of the CSTO collective security system in contemporary military conflicts, as well as approaches to joint scientific research projects on unification of general technical requirements for weapons and military equipment,” the press secretary added. 

Taking part in the videoconference were heads of military schools of the CSTO member states, representatives of the CSTO Joint Staff and the CSTO Secretariat, heads of basic educational, methodological and research organizations of the CSTO member states and invited persons.

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