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Regional News

15 May 2007

Concert devoted to independence of Israel and Day of Jerusalem to be held in Minsk

The concert devoted to the 59th anniversary of independence of Israel and the Day of Jerusalem will be held in the Israeli cultural-information center of the Israeli embassy to Belarus on May 15.

Professional groups from Vitebsk and Minsk: the children’s dance group “Zorka”, the art-group “Rezonans”, the orchestra of the Vitebsk Conservatory, the Minsk Choreographic College, vocal bands of the Vitebsk Music College and the Jewish Agency in Minsk will take part in the concert. The famous Show of Soap Bubbles of Sergei Feldman, a member of the Moscow club of magicians, will be held as well. 

The Independence Declaration of Israel was adopted on May 14, 1948.

The Day of Jerusalem is celebrated annually. This year it will be marked on May 16. The holiday was established in 1967 when during the Six-Day War the eastern part of Jerusalem was liberated. “This town is one of the largest world’s intersection of histories of various peoples, religions and cultures”, officials of the Israeli center noted.
