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Regional News

7 August 2007

Belarusian-Latvian-Swedish “River Bus” runs in Vitebsk oblast

“River Bus” – a wheel-mounted exhibition booth – has started to run in the Vitebsk oblast of Belarus. The mobile exposition has been prepared by the Swedish tour operators – participants of the Swedish-Latvian-Belarusian tourist project “Panorama Dvina/Daugava”, Piotr Alekseev, the head of the physical culture, sport and tourism department of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee, told BelTA. 

The exhibition has been already held in Latvia. It tells about the history of the Slavonic, Baltic and Norse tribes which were connected by the common merchant way “From the Varangians to the Greeks” which run along the Zapadnaya Dvina River. Moreover, visitors will be able to get familiar with “Panorama Dvina/Daugava” and tours in the Dvina region of Belarus.

Residents of the towns of Scharkovschina, Glubokoe, Braslav and Disna will become the first ones who will see the unusual exposition. After this, “River Bus” will stop in Vitebsk and then it will leave for other regions of the oblast. In December, it will come back to Sweden to make the same trip in that country next summer. This time, the exposition will be prepared by Vitebsk tour operators.

According to Piotr Alekseev, the Swedish tour operators were the first ones who suggested the idea to organize the exposition. Swedish tourists are interested in the sightseeing tour in the Dvina region. According to specialists, next year, their number is expected to increase by 10%. This year, the project “Panorama Dvina/Daugava” had a success at the International Travel Fair in Goteborg (Sweden).

