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Regional News

19 December 2017

Belarus, Drex Food Group to set up dairy farms in Vitebsk Oblast

Belarus and China's Drex Food Group intend to sign a $250 million investment agreement by the 2017 year end to establish dairy farms in Vitebsk Oblast. The matter was discussed during the visit of Belarusian Agriculture and Food Minister Leonid Zayats to China, BelTA learned from the Belarusian Embassy in China.

After official meetings in Beijing, the Belarusian delegation held an agricultural forum Made in Belarus, which brought together Belarus' leading companies.

Following the forum, Meat Dairy Company, Mogilev Meat Packing Plant, Vitebsk Broiler Poultry Plant, and Veles-Mit inked agreements and contracts to deliver $114 million worth of agricultural products to China in 2018.

The delegation also had negotiations with China's major food companies in Guangzhou and Hong Kong, namely China Merchants Food, Beijing Shounong Group, Drex Food Group, and Ouya Trade Hong Kong. Leonid Zayats met with undersecretary of the Hong Kong Government for food and health. The sides discussed enabling favorable conditions for the supplies of Belarusian agricultural products to the region.

