
Address: 2 Karl Marx Street, Senno 211117, Vitebsk oblast


Phone: 02135 5-53-47

Hot line 02135 5-52-96

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Regional News

29 June 2020
In Vitebsk, a requiem meeting was held in memory of the victims of World War II A requiem meeting with the participation of representatives of the oblast and city authorities, clergy, law enforcement agencies, as well as veterans and youth was held in Vitebsk on the Day of National Memory of the Victims of the Great Patriotic War and the 79th anniversary of the beginning of the most destructive war of the 20th century. ...
26 June 2020
Doctor Irina Zhovnitskaya is sure that medicine, like mountains, does not forgive mistakes Irina Zhovnitskaya temporarily acts as the head of the maternity ward. Her area of responsibility is the coordinated actions of all doctors, middle and junior medical staff. And, of course, successful childbirth, the interlocutor emphasizes: “We are doing our best to ensure that everything is ok with the mother and the baby who has just come to this world.”...
25 June 2020
Mikhail Vishnevetsky on the prospects for the development of healthcare in Vitebsk Oblast The COVID-19 pandemic will end sooner or later, and the healthcare sector will have to return to the solution of previous, no less important tasks, including providing high-quality and timely care to patients with various other pathologies, diagnosing and preventing socially significant diseases, and organizing access to high-level medicine for villagers, etc....
24 June 2020
«Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk» presented a new program This year, the main musical decoration of July - the International Festival of Arts «Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk» - will continue to attract talents and fans from all over the world. The forum will be held from July 16 to 20 For the first time, all forum events will be held not in the music hall, but on street venues....
23 June 2020
How is Vitebsk Oblast is preparing for the new school year and how will scholarships be awarded to athletes – We have always provided financial assistance to talented athletes, allocating considerable amounts from the budget -Vladimir Terentyev emphasized. - It is necessary to determine the criteria by which assistance is assigned. The most important thing is the result at the international, European, world levels, participation in the Olympiads....