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Regional News

4 June 2021
Call to involve more people in green movement in Belarus Participation of the general public in addressing environmental issues is very important, Belarus' Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Minister Andrei Khudyk said as he addressed the 1st international environmental exhibition-forum Ecology Expo 2021 and 16th national environmental forum, BelTA has learned. ...
3 June 2021
Over 342,000 children to recuperate in Belarus' children camps this summer Some 342,000 boys and girls will spend time in Belarusian children's summer camps this summer, Deputy Prime Minister Igor Petrishenko told reporters, BelTA has learned. ...
2 June 2021
Children's Day celebrations in Vitebsk A festive event to mark Children's Day took place on Pobedy Square in Vitebsk on 1 June within the framework of the nationwide campaign of the Emergencies Ministry “Do not leave children alone!”. ...
31 May 2021
Development Bank of Belarus issues $230m of export loans in 2021 Since the start of 2021 the Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus has issues export loans amounting to $230 million, Chairman of the Board of the bank Aleksandr Egorov said in an interview to the Belarus 1 TV channel, BelTA has learned. ...
27 May 2021
Busy program for Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk 2021 The 30th edition of the International Festival of Arts Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk will be running on 15-18 July, with additional events scheduled for 14 and 19 July. The festival will have a busy program of events to suit any taste, BelTA learned from the festival's directorate. ...