
Address: 2 Karl Marx Street, Senno 211117, Vitebsk oblast


Phone: 02135 5-53-47

Hot line 02135 5-52-96

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Regional News

5 July 2021
Kochanova: Meddling in affairs of a sovereign state violates international agreements Interference in domestic affairs of a sovereign state runs afoul of all international agreements, Chair of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly Natalya Kochanova told the Belarus 1 TV channel, BelTA has learned. ...
28 June 2021
Sputnik Light vaccine to arrive in Belarus in July The Sputnik Light vaccine is expected to be delivered to Belarus in July, Belarus' Healthcare Minister Dmitry Pinevich told reporters, BelTA has learned. ...
25 June 2021
Nominees for Union State Literature and Art Award announced The Expert Council for the Union State Literature and Art Award under the Standing Committee of the Belarus-Russia Union State has announced the nominees for the award for 2021-2022, BelTA learned from the Standing Committee. ...
23 June 2021
Belarusian senator: The idea of isolating a country in the center of Europe looks absurd Today the idea of an international isolation and the use of sanctions against a country in the center of Europe looks absurd, BelTA learned from Oleg Zhingel, member of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of Belarus, head of the Vitebsk Oblast regional directorate of OAO Belagroprombank. ...